COVID-19 has impacted the way in which health and care professionals communicate. Several resources focusing on compassionate and effective communication skills have been added to the Learning Hub. These resources support difficult conversations remotely with relatives and within a clinical setting both with patients and in relaying key transfer information to other colleagues. The resources…
Month: March 2021

The Learning Hub – Long COVID educational resources
Contributions to the Learning Hub offer and support a wide range of training subject areas, including resources to support and deliver the current pandemic response and recovery, virtual training delivery and to support re-deployment. As efforts shift towards pandemic recovery, the TEL team would like to encourage the sharing of educational resources particularly to increase…

The Learning Hub – Rapid training and education resources for critical care
To support staff being redeployed into critical care during the pandemic, the London Transformation and Learning Collaborative (LTLC) has worked in partnership with Health Education England’s Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) team to develop a range of resources. As part of this work the LTLC has created a toolkit, compiling guidance and resources to support interprofessional…