Catalogues are now available on the NHS Learning Hub to support midwifery, diagnostic radiography, occupational therapy, and physiotherapy students transitioning into their first registered healthcare posts. The 4 new catalogues are available in addition to the pilot, ‘Preparing for Your Future as a Nurse programme’, which was incredibly well received – with trainees feeding back…

Tackling the climate crisis – recommended learning for healthcare staff
The disruption to care, and effect on the public at every stage of their lives, makes the climate crisis a health emergency. The good news is that we can all play a major part in the solution to this. As countries come together in Egypt for COP27, here is some recommended learning (all freely available on Health Education England’s elearning for healthcare platform), to help you achieve the targets set out in the Delivering a Net Zero NHS report.

Students boost their confidence ahead of their first NHS roles
An evaluation survey of Health Education England’s Preparing for your Future as a Nurse programme pilots has showed that 92% of students felt more confident about starting their first role after completing the programme, and 4.4 out of 5 people are likely to recommend it to others.

Preparing for your first registered nursing role
As trainee nurses settle into the new academic year, HEE’s Chief Nurse and Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Professor Mark Radford, discusses the support available for moving towards your first registered nursing post.

North West Simulation Programme
A regional audit in the north west showed that some foundation doctors received little, or no simulation training. A robust needs analysis, literature review and incident data from NHS Improvement were mapped to the curriculum, after which two half day simulation sessions were provided for FY1 and 2. Evaluation of the programme, which has been…
TEL Programme update HEE National Simulation-Based Education Framework
The Simulation-Based Education (SBE) Framework has now been successfully launched and we have been delighted by the responses received. We have received feedback from colleagues saying they will be using the framework to inform and support in the development of their own strategies and requests to join working groups in the move towards a strategy. We…