The Simulation-Based Education (SBE) Framework has now been successfully launched and we have been delighted by the responses received. We have received feedback from colleagues saying they will be using the framework to inform and support in the development of their own strategies and requests to join working groups in the move towards a strategy. We feel confident in saying people remain engaged, focused and, most importantly, eager to share and collaborate.
The Key Performance Indicators (KPI) data collection process is also underway. The KPIs, aligned to the five guiding principles, have been kept deliberately ‘light touch’ for this first round to ensure the goodwill and engagement continues. The multi- professional SBE Assurance and Development Committee will be responsible for the data collection process, which will be coordinated by the Regional TEL Leads through the local Simulation Leads and overseen by the local Postgraduate Deans. Responses to the KPIs will provide a useful steer in the development of the strategy, looking at both best practice and how the potential gaps might be responded to.
Some of the outputs from the Framework Task and Finish Groups are being prepared and refined in response to feedback received so far. These outputs are about the provision of guidance and exemplars in such areas as leadership and governance, quality assurance and faculty development. These will be released over the coming months and ultimately will be shared on ‘The Learning Solution’.
Discussions are still underway with the e-LfH team into the feasibility of establishing a simple ‘digital community of practice’ for sharing and collaborating. A recent survey carried out with the Simulation Reference Group, showed that people are mostly using email and Dropbox. If you are currently successfully using a community of practice, please let us know.