To support staff being redeployed into critical care during the pandemic, the London Transformation and Learning Collaborative (LTLC) has worked in partnership with Health Education England’s Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) team to develop a range of resources. As part of this work the LTLC has created a toolkit, compiling guidance and resources to support interprofessional…
TEL Learning Hub

The Learning Hub – resources to support the management of the tracheostomy in COVID-19 patients
A suite of videos on tracheostomy management in COVID-19 patients has been contributed to the Learning Hub. The short videos are aimed at colleagues involved in the COVID-19 response including nurses, auxiliary health professionals and hospital, and pandemic field hospital, doctors. The series of videos include: A resource showing a tracheostomy subglottic suction in COVID-19…

The Learning Hub – Resources to support healthcare professionals address the challenge of diagnosing lung cancer during the COVID-19 pandemic
Cancer Research UK has added resources to the Learning Hub to support lung cancer vigilance and diagnosis during the pandemic to broaden reach to healthcare professionals. The resources are relevant to colleagues working in primary and acute settings in supporting detection, key actions and in providing national guidance. Urgent referrals for suspected lung cancer have…

The Learning Hub – COVID-19 resources for educators supporting return to practice
Several resources have been contributed to the Learning Hub that are aimed at educators supporting colleagues who have returned to practice to support the COVID-19 response. These resources include: #ReStartSim – technical how to guide Microsoft Teams Virtual Hospital This document describes how Microsoft Teams can be used to support simulation and is one of a…

The Learning Hub – Support for returning to practice – COVID-19
Several resources have been contributed to the Learning Hub that are aimed at colleagues who have returned to practice to support the COVID-19 response and address some of the topics returning colleagues may find useful. The Learning Hub is a digital platform that provides easy access to a wide range of education and training resources…

A guide to compassionate care and communication during the pandemic now available
A guide, Talking to relatives – COVID-19 compassionate phone communication is now available on the Learning Hub and provides health and care professionals with a simple framework for communicating concepts including uncertain recovery as well as tips for compassionate conversations. During the COVID-19 pandemic there has been, and continues to be, a need to support…

Resources to support those working in primary care available to access
A selection of existing resources to support health and care professionals working in primary care settings, are available on the Learning Hub: Asthma in the light of COVID-19 for primary care Managing the COVID-19 pandemic in care homes for older people: Good practice guide PPE – Coronavirus videos Webinar – Musculoskeletal Clinical Network Masterclass The…

The Learning Hub – suite of resources for midwives available to access
Existing contributions of content to the Learning Hub include a suite of resources for hospital and community-based midwives from the West Midlands Neonatal Operational Delivery Network: Managing respiratory tract secretions in self-ventilating babies Community midwives poster Keeping babies warm Use of donor breast milk The Learning Hub is a digital platform that provides easy access to a wide range of…

Vision of the discovery – migration
Introduction For the vision of the Learning Hub to be realised as the platform of choice to find, share, discuss, review and collaborate learning resources across the health and care sector; it is essential that the Learning Hub embeds and supports as many of HEE’s current digital educational services and platforms as possible. There is…

The Learning Hub – Seven months on
Colleagues across health and care have been uploading resources and there are now over 770 resources available to access and share with colleagues. The resources cover a variety of topics including remote teaching, mental health, COVID-19 resources (including self-swabbing) and how technology is being used to support simulation-based education during the pandemic. The Learning Hub…

The Learning Hub – ‘Make or Break: Incivility in the Workplace’ resource now available for the health and care workforce
A new video has been added to the Learning Hub on incivility in the workplace and the impact of active kindness. ‘Make or Break: Incivility in the Workplace’ is a video that has been developed by the Elena Power Centre for Simulation and Human Factors at Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust to…

Learning Hub – Providing the solution for hosting COVID-19 self-swab instructional video
The Learning Hub is a digital platform that provides easy access to a wide range of education and training resources for the health and care workforce. Organisations and users can contribute and share resources for those in health and care to access. Colleagues across health and care have been uploading resources. There are now…