Content providers on the NHS Learning Hub can now select whether or not they want to provide learners with a certificate when they have completed a learning resource.
The option to provide a certificate for a learning resource has been added to the learning contribution process and can also be done retrospectively for content that has already been uploaded to the Learning Hub.
This is the latest upgrade to the Learning Hub platform and certificates are available for all learning resource types.
There are two slightly different processes for selecting whether to provide a certificate for an elearning resource depending on the type of resource you are uploading.
These processes are outlined below
Files, Web links, Articles and elearning resources
The above file types all follow the process below.
The process is largely similar to the regular contribution process. For more detail on this see the support article Contributing resources – An overview
The key difference comes at the very bottom of the contribution form. At this point you will be presented with the certificate option captured below.
To provide a certificate you need to
1. Select the ‘Yes’ option from the available radio buttons
2. Complete any other outstanding mandatory information on the form
3 Click on either the ‘Publish Draft’ button to make this content visible now or ‘Save Draft’ to keep it in your drafts.

Assessments and case learning resources
To submit an assessment or case, users work through a series of tabs that can be found just below the title of the learning resource.
There is a dedicated tab for the purpose of providing certificates for these resource types.
To provide a certificate you need to:
1. Select the certificate tab
2. Select the ‘Yes’ option from the available radio buttons
3. Complete any other outstanding tabs
4. Click on Publish to make your content visible with a certificate

Making certificates available for resources already on the Learning Hub
As well as making certificates available for new contributions to the Learning Hub, contributors can make certificates available for existing content on the Learning Hub.
To make certificates available for an existing content you will need to have catalogue editor rights for the catalogue where the learning resource is located.
To make the certificate available:
1. Navigate to the catalogue and open the resource you are wanting to provide a certificate for
2. Click on the ‘Edit resource’ button at the top of the window (image 1)
3. The next screen will confirm you are about to create a new draft of the content. Click ‘continue’ to progress (image 2)
4. At this point you will be navigated into the usual publication process for either of the resource types detailed above (images 3a and 3b). You will need to follow the steps detailed above to provide a certificate for that resource type and click ‘publish’.
Once you have clicked on ‘publish’, the newest draft of your content you created will be made available along with the certificate for the content.
Image 1

Image 2

Image 3a

Image 3b