My name is Xavier, and I am a first year student of mental health nursing with Plymouth University. I was invited to the TELHack to report on the event, and also the enrich my digital learning – I have been supported in attending by Health Education England.
The event launched yesterday, the 6th of November, at Idea London, with a presentation designed to encourage enthusiasm from the participants; it is safe to say that this was very successful, with approximately 20 participants each presenting their own idea, which lead to the creation of approximately 10 groups. Initial pitches indicate that projects stretch from codifying information for health workers to creating a virtual reality environment to teach staff the names and pronunciation of equipment they may encounter.
As I write this the second day has begun, and following breakfast the teams are now working to make their idea a reality. The atmosphere in the room is electric, and there is a sense of enthusiasm in the air; there is real reason for optimism that this could provide all concerned (which, broadly speaking, is all of the NHS users and even beyond) with a truly meaningful outcome.
More information to follow..