We have been running a series of show and tells to provide the opportunity to showcase certain screens, process(es) and key structural and conceptual designs of the Learning Hub. Show and tells form an integral part of agile practice and are a key principle to the Government Digital Services (GDS) standards. They enable insight to the current status of the Learning Hub and an opportunity to discuss the rationale for specific design features based on feedback from user research exercises. The process helps provide reassurances that the design remains user-centred as well as sense checking the outcomes with key stakeholders and future users of the Hub.
Show and tells will be given at various stages of the design and development process as required, and sessions will usually be a result of a recent piece of user research. Several show and tells have already been delivered to different groups including HEE TEL Programme’s Clinical Educational Leads Group (CEAG). Feedback has been very encouraging and confirmed the direction for the overarching design for the Learning Hub meets expectations and requirements.
Recent show and tells focusing on the Learning Hub’s homepage have provided some excellent feedback with one user research participant sharing: “the display looks slick and familiar, with another adding: “the simple user interface looks very good and, in the main, intuitive.” When a stakeholder was asked to comment on the overall look and feel of the homepage, they answered with: “I’m really looking forward to what this platform has the potential to offer us as healthcare professionals. It feels like it may be a ‘one stop shop’ that has much flexibility.”
Commenting on the designs, Chris Munsch, Clinical Lead for TEL, said: ”I like the design – it is very strong visually as well as being easy to use. Finding what you want is simple and I thought the ‘personalisation’ of learning is a great feature.”
For more information about the Learning Hub visit www.hee.nhs.uk/tel and follow us on Twitter: @HEE_TEL.