Users of the Learning Hub will now be advised when a resource available on the platform contains sensitive content.
The Learning Hub is Health Education England’s new digital platform that provides easy access to a wide range of education and training resources for the health and care workforce.
The Learning Hub team has developed a new feature that enables contributors of content to advise learners that a resource may contain sensitive content. Sensitive content is any resource that contains content and/or images that others may find offensive or disturbing. When activated, learners see an advisory message in advance of accessing a resource, enabling them to make an informed choice whether they wish to proceed with viewing the content. This feature builds on providing a comprehensive learning experience, enhancing further the information provided to a learner before accessing a resource.
The Learning Hub is currently in Beta phase and continues to be developed using Agile project methodology. Agile methodology uses an iterative approach, placing users at the centre of the design and development of the system. By adopting an iterative approach, pace and adaptability can be achieved, adjusting design throughout the duration of the project, based on user feedback. One of the aims of an agile approach is to release benefits throughout the process. Many more features are planned as part of the product roadmap and new features will be released frequently in line with the original plan for the functionality of the Learning Hub in its Beta phase.
Come and take a look at what the Learning Hub has to offer, contribute, share and access resources, rate resources and provide us with your feedback:
For more information about the Learning Hub follow us on Twitter: @HEE_TEL, visit our blog to read about our journey so far or visit:
If you have any questions or require further support, contact the Learning Hub team: